Pennsylvania Dutch Pancakes and Fritters

PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH Food is abundant and appetites are hearty in the Pennsylvania Dutch country. The traditional dishes are relatively simple and unlike most regional cookery the ingredients are readily available. Best of all, no matter who makes them the results are “wonderful good.” Some links in this article are affiliate links from which we may receive a tiny commission at no additional cost to you should you visit a merchant via our link and subsequently make a purchase. Pancakes and Fritters APPLE RING FRITTERS 1 cup sifted flour 1½ teaspoons baking powder 2 tablespoons sugar ½ teaspoon salt ¾ cup milk 1 egg 4 large apples Sift dry ingredients. Add milk and egg. Beat well. Peel and core apples and slice in rings about ¼ inch thick. Dip rings in batter and drop into skillet containing ½ inch of hot melted shortening. Fry until golden brown on both sides. Drain on paper towel. Mix sugar and cinnamon together and sprinkle over fritters. Makes 16 to 20. SOUR CHERRY FRITTERS 1 cup flou...